Our Directors

  • Lu Barton

    Hi my name is Lu I was born and raised in the countryside in the North West, being a country girl conservation has always been very important to me. I have always had a great love of birds, particularly Birds of Prey and especially Owls. The door to me working with birds was opened by, my now great friend, Sadie Shepherd and her amazing business Feathers and Fur (now based at Moss End Garden Centre). I had an amazing time learning from and working with Sadie, lots of fun. I then decided to specialise in owls and in particular British Owls with the help of my happy feathered band. My work as a group leader with WBCS Barn Owl group and my survey work with organisations such as the BTO together with my knowledge of Owls led me to start the British Owl Project which has been such a success that it was decided to become a Community Interest Company and we are now the Owl Conservation Project CIC and have a wonderful dedicated team helping to move us forward.

  • Lucy Barnett

    Hi I'm Lucy and I joined Owl Conservation Project in the summer of 2019. I grew up in Woodcote and moved to Wallingford 7 years ago where I work for a Training Provider in the Further Education sector. I have learnt a huge amount during the time I have spent with Lu and since the start of the project, I've loved every second of it. I'm passionate about protecting our wildlife, in particular working with British owls and I am excited to see the project continue to grow. When I'm not working or volunteering I love to be in or on the water either swimming or kayaking which is a new venture for me this year!

  • Gemma Warr

    Hello, My name is Gemma. I joined Owl Conservation Project joining in January 2022 having met Lu and Lucy at their owl photography session. I grew up in Didcot and have always had a huge passion for all animals and the environment. I studied at BCA College in Maidenhead in 2008 getting my first diploma in animal care, national diploma in animal management and foundation degree in animal welfare and behaviour through Bucks New University. I have always worked with animals since leaving school but in 2019 I changed career joining the ambulance service after suffering with my mental health for many years as I wanted to give something back like I had been helped by so many amazing people. This job allowed me to volunteer for the Earth Trust being a community warden, events volunteer and their wildlife photographer. You can see my photography on my instagram page @gemmawarr_wildlifephotography

Our Volunteers

  • Laura Payne

    Hi I’m Laura, I began volunteering with Owl Conservation Project in November 2023. I had just left behind a career in the humanitarian sector and am now training to work in wildlife conservation with BBOWT and studying for an MSc in Sustainability and Ecology at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Machynellth. That doesn't leave much spare time, but when I do have it, I really enjoy hiking in the mountains of Scotland.

  • Neil Brailsford

    Hi I’m Neil , Having been a keen amateur wildlife photographer for a few years with owls being a passion of mine taking me all over England to enjoy all 5 of our native owls I thought it was time to give something back to wildlife , so started volunteering with Owl Conservation Project during the middle of 2023 after attending one of their owl presentations.

    The passion and keen sense of wanting to make a difference to owl conservation is something I want to be a part of helping

    You can see all my owl photos / wildlife on my Instagram page at @nbee_photography

  • Tanya Burrough

    Hi I’m Tanya, I first met Owl Conservation Project in 2023 when they visited an owl box on the farm that my husband, Richard, works on. Getting an understanding of the work that is done by the team really inspired me to try to help. We have since organised some fundraising events where Lu and the team have presented their owls and delivered really informative talks to pass on some of her vast knowledge of these magnificent birds.

    I am a registered veterinary nurse, having worked in practice for a long time, and now I work at a veterinary nursing training college and support students to qualify as veterinary nurses. In my spare time, I enjoy a bit of photography, especially of wildlife and pet portraits. In other spare time, I enjoy supporting a little dog rescue organisation to raise funds for their work too.

  • Anna Lesniewska

    Hi I'm Anna and I have been volunteering for Owl Conservation Project since February 2023. Originally from Poland, I have lived in UK for the last 20 years. In my previous life I was a Biology teacher, with a passion for horses. I now work with horses as a coach and care manager and have a huge passion for nature and conservation. In my spare time I love to be outdoors with my camera photographing our amazing wildlife.